Judge Jodie Richardson (Lancaster, PA)
Career: Magisterial District Judge
An elected Magisterial District Judge presides over each of the individual Magisterial District Courts. They are elected to serve in their districts for six-year terms. Magisterial District Judges handle all traffic cases, other minor criminal cases and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000.
Annual Salary: $88,290 – $175,800
1- How did you become a professional in your current field?
I was actively involved in various community organizations to support and uplift my community (Lancaster City) for an extended time, which gave me a desire to do more for my community, and that led me to want to become a Magisterial District Judge.
Once I made my decision to become a Magisterial District Judge, I completed a mandatory and rigorous training and certification program, and I passed a required 4 hour 5 component examination. After that step, I needed to get enough signatures on my petition to get on the 2017 election ballot, and I was successful with the support from my community, family, and friends. Once on the ballot, I won both the primary and general 2017 elections.
To learn more about the training and requirements to become a Magisterial District Judge, visit http://www.pacourts.us/courts/supreme-court/committees/supreme-court-boards/minor-judiciary-education-board-QUEUED
3- What 3 tips would you give someone struggling to reach their goals?
#1 Never give up.
#2 Know that you are enough.
#3 Believe in yourself.
#4 The reward is in the struggle, the best and most rewarding things in life are worth fighting for.
4- Name the top 3 goals you achieved?
#I graduated from college.
#2 I purchased my own home as a single parent.
#3 I won the 2017 primary & general elections to become District Judge.
5-What inspired you to reach your goals?
My faith in God. Belief in myself.
Also, my promise to my parents and children to succeed in life and to accomplish my goals is inspiring.
6- How did you overcome obstacles to reaching your goals?
Prayer. Remained focused and asked for help when needed. Networked and reached out to mentors.
7-How do you keep your inspiration from decreasing?
As long as I can help others, my inspiration for what I do will never decrease.
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