Chief Learning Officer
“Read books written by people who have achieved the goals you want to achieve.”
Product Manager/Entrepreneur
“Succeeding in life is not just about who you know, it’s about who knows you.”
Vice President of Student Development/Dean University College
“Goals can change.”
Psychologist & Associate Director of Loyola University Counseling Center
“Find people who support and uplift you”
Statistician & Founder/CEO of Willene Agency
“First, focus on “WHY” you are working to reach a goal.”
Biochemist – Professor and Head of the Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology
“You have to persevere.”
Associate Dean, Medical Student Affairs at Stanford School of Medicine
“Be kind and patient with yourself, and help others.”
Program Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club (Southeast Lancaster) & Business Owner of A Moving & Cleaning Company
“You will probably fail first before you win, you must never give up and always keep trying.”
Baltimore City State's Attorney
“I would encourage young people to believe in themselves, lead with passion and tune
out negativity.”
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
“Do the scary thing. You’re more resilient than you give yourself credit for. “
Associate Professor of Communication at Rider University and An Award-Winning Author
“You have to find the one thing or things that motivate you.”
IT Analyst and Student Point-of-Contact Coordinator at Duke University School of Law
“Find a mentor: someone that does what is it that you want to do.”
Contractor & Entrepreneur (Focus Home Services LLC)
“When people see that you are serious, they will help you.”
Chief Executive Officer for the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
“If your goal is worth anything it will come with struggle and sacrifice…but keep at it.”
President & CEO/Entrepreneur
“Level up with those whom you surround yourself with; we become whom we spend
our time with.”
Founder and Owner of Speak to My Soul
Every “yes” isn’t an opportunity, and every “no” isn’t a closed door.
Professional Singer
“Kill the idea of comparison – you are uniquely you, and you have a gift of your own.”
Literacy Coordinating Teacher for Title I schools
“Never underestimate the power of God that flows through you – even when things
seem insurmountable.”
Elementary School Teacher
Celebrate the small victories that will get you closer to your overall goals.
Visual Artist, Author, Speaker & Educator
Envision yourself as already successful and just do the work.
A Licensed Mental Health Professional
“Keep your goals in front of you every day. Write goals down on notecards, Post-it
Notes, bathroom mirror, etc.”
CEO Village Market Atlanta
“Do not tire or give up easily, if it is something you believe in.”
Broadcast Systems & Technology Engineer
“Constantly challenge yourself to grow within my industry.”
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